Monday, June 24, 2024







Symbols of Antisemitism



The differences between the Antisemitism from left and right, the need to consider the history of the Antisemitism on the left, in France after Roman Catholic loss his grip, but after the defeat of Napoleon.

Napoleon understood the power of the Aristocrat was to decide who it’s in society. The Roman Catholic Church historical considers Jews as adulterous (as codify in Theodosia code (edits 331 C.E)), since their rejection of the Messianic vision.  Napoleon by normalize the Jews as civic citizens (1831), overthought the absolutism power of the Aristocracy.

The disdain of outsider, where Socialism is not just a political power, but institutionalize behaviors, given not please by decent.

Alphonse Toussenel was a political writer and zoologist who introduced antisemitism into French mainstream thinking. A utopian socialist and a disciple of Charles Fourier, he criticized the economic liberalism of the July Monarchy and denounced the ills of civilization: individualism, egoism, and class conflict.

Toussenel was hostile to the Jews and also to the British. Toussenel's Les juifs rois de l'époque, histoire de la féodalité financière (1845) argued that French finance and commerce was controlled by an alien Jewish presence, typified in the malign influence of the Rothschild banking family of France. Toussenel's antisemitism was rooted in a revolutionary-nationalist interpretation reading of French history. Toussenel was innovative and using zoology as a vehicle for social criticism, and his natural history books, as much as his political writings, were infused with antisemitic and anti-English sentiments. For Toussenel, the English and the Jews represented external and internal threats to French national identity.

The secularization of Antisemitism while exist, take force when Édouard Adolphe Drumont initiating the Antisemitic League of France (1889). Drumot founder and editor of the newspaper La Libre Parole (1892), Drumont synthesized three major types of antisemitism: The first type from traditional Catholic attitudes Christ killers. The second type was hostility toward capitalism saw the Jews as agents of the capitalism. The third type Drumont used scientific racism, based on the argument that races have fixed characteristics, and asserting that Jews have negative characteristics.

Previously in 1886 wrote a book Jewish France, where he argued to exclude Jews from society. Drumont view impact the attitudes toward Alfred Dreyfus's arrest, in an article titled High Treason: The Jewish Traitor Alfred Dreyfus Arrested in 1894.

These attitudes were codifying not just from the right, but become a fundamental to Socialism in the 20th Century.