Friday, November 02, 2012

Destine for Extinction

A fundamental question in Billions years from our time, our descendents are destine for extinction. Asimov in short history: “The Lat Question”, where the question can we escape entropy and the computer said should be light universe began.
Holt in “Why Does The World Exits?,” is not just a existential question, but the fear with his mortality. The fear of death is the unknown, and the glimpse of hope, is our descendents, have a chance, whether eternity exist or entropy have the final say he explorer in alternative, if we can created a new Universe similar to the Brahmin, Indian traditions of eternal universe being reborn.

Slave Trade

Herodutus in: „The Histories,“ described the fleet of  Athens in the battle of Salamis, the cost was 50 Silver Dinars, what historians found the mines was over work by slaves. Athens the sit of Democracy was on the shoulder Economy of slaves and women with not rights.
Still, slave was not unique to Athens, from Egypt, to the Parthan (Persia), slaves come from prisoner of war.
The most vivid economy in antiquity was Rome, in general a second source of slave was debt, mention in Herodotus and the Torah, tries to give some humanity to the Slave institution.  When the Portuguese began the import of slaves, in west Africa, war raids to capture prisoners to become slave was common in Islam, but what Portuguese demands for the need of Slaved elevated to industrial scale. The Kingdoms like the Congo, I west Africa devices this industrial raids to satisfy initially the Portuguese, eventually most Europe.
The right to slave trade by Portuguese, Spaniards and eventually  rest of Europe, British and French, limited only to Christians, to be in the trade, the description can be found in Hugh Thomas book, “The Slave Trade, the history of Atlantic Slave Trade: 1440-1870.”
While the British perfection industrial scale, but was in colonies in Maryland where in the 100´s laws where pass not decent can ever be free, by creating a permanent institution, become illegal 2 years after the Civil War (1863) between states with the Proclamation act, while, the reason was to brake the agrarian south, which economy was agrarian society, and actually is legal action happen 100 years later, 1963, with the civil rights.
During WWII conflict Nazi German use Jews and other members of the occupy area to be slave for the state.
Today, still countries like Sudan in some Islamic countries like South-Arabia this practise has stop, the sad part in the west women from Easter Europe for prostitution against their will and workers from China are being brought to the west kept in bondage for slave.

Thursday, November 01, 2012