The greatness of the people is not the might of the fist, but is the strength how we treat the least among us, because physical or due to circumstances. I when troughs a difficult journey, many Jews considers Eastern Europe as a grave yard, a cemetery, what I discovered to be quite literally truth. A difficult journey, because Europe was the home of conflicts of WWI and WWII, which the question was about empire and race, today the same question still alive and well in Europe.
In dealing with question like empire and race tend to be difficulty come from the fact; we share the same ancestor line, 3 Million year Lucy in Ethiopia is today humanity. Humanity created rivers between each other.
Religion by his nature needs the creation of the other, for the major monotheistic religions Islam and Christianity has been Judaism, the differences between the major monotheistic religions are universal were Judaism is more of a local religion.
The reason for the universality the claim of absolute power derived by a supernatural power and translated in hierarchy which the power is dissipated. In Europe class, race and status, is not just in Europe, but in Islamic countries in the Middle East.
The feudal system is part Europe, the hierarchy is found like in the Center Right political parties like in Germany, CDU (Christian Democratic Union) or CSDU (Christian Democratic Union), or more extreme cases Berlusconi in Italy today. Europe does not accepted people on the margins, demands homogeneity, of course the Jews where and are will be unique, the collective does not accepted individuality.
But this behavior is not exclusive to monotheism, today for example in Sri-Lanka the conflict between the Tamils and the majority, in this case the majority is Buddhist and the Tamils are Hindu.
In January of 2009 the center left Spanish news paper “el Pais” run a poll where the ask students from 9 to 12 grade if they will share the working desk with a fellow pupil of Jews extraction 66% said no.
The fact the first expulsion of the Jews in Spain was in 12 century by Islamic revival before the expulsion of 1492 by the Catholic King, for almost 500 years there was not any Jews community in Spain, only now, few communities are beginning to take hold.
The history of the Axis in the 1930´s, Germany and Italy supported Franco to obtained power from the Republic. After the defeating of the axis, Eisenhower did not wanted to hold accountable Franco, since he fear Spain under the Soviet influence, for his Support to the axis in the long term meant the Right (and the extreme-Right) was validated never held accountable for the actions, even today when Pure Blood has a meaning in Spain which many feel uncomfortable to this fact.
We tend to think the value (Economics), is a relationship, but value is an emotional state of the other and value is a relationship of hierarchies. Economics is a power of relationships to defined humans. Economics is a set of assumptions, since the issue is to consider value as an empirical. Where the empirical assumption changes the facts are just as we know.
The construction of the other as a value, was been built out fear, in the 20 Century the major manifestation of the other by Italian Fascism as metaphysical expression and Nazi Austrian-Germany is a pseudo sciences, a consequence of other is in Auschwitz: 1,5 Million Jews, 23,000, Roman (Gypsies), 220,000 Soviets POW, 120,000 Polish and British POW.
The concentration camps built by the Italians in second WWII is found in three locations, in Ljublana was the only city become a concentration camp a 30 Km barb wire to stop any partisans, the Roman Catholic Church headed by the Bishop Gregorio Rozman (1883-1959) of Ljublana, who suggested to the Nazi regime to name Leon Rupnik (1880-1946) Slovene general who collaborated with the Axis.
Slovenia had supported the Italians and Germans, but Italians consider Slovenians is sub human group Genocide 23,000 in Nova Gora concentration camp found the end.
The year before the first Trip to Slovenia and to give profile to the new country by the Polish Pope John Paul II, the supreme court of Slovenia, washed hands of the Bishop, to escape his action during WWII was supported by funneling money to South America from a Swiss account set up, to aid for refugees of Catholic religion, his name with the Bishop of Sarajevo Ivan Saric (1871-1960) is mention in the British Intelligence and CIA both being involved in the ratlines that spirit wanted Axis and collaborationist fugitives out Europe, Rozman death in Cleveland Ohio. One of the Leading figures of the collaborator Ljenko Urbancic (1922-2006) immigrated to Australia formed the Liberal Party and before his death acknowledges his actions to his country men. In Triest Risiera di San Sabba the Italian had 4,000 POW and kill 3,000 POW most of then Slovenians who were partisans in Tito Army.
Before we going through the East Europe Journal, is worth to remember in the prelude of WWII, most Europe was on the hand of the right from elected Governments, Poland, Slovakia or dictatorships like in Italy, a dictator from Mussolini by approve by the Italian Monarchy of Victor Emmanuel of Savoy.
Krakow before the war 25 % (or close to 60,000) of total general population 270,000 and only 4,900 return to the city. Krakow house one of the older Universities in East Europe Jagiellonia University founded in 1364 and reestablished in 1400.
The relationship between the Poles and Jews has been in competition of victimization. Only now: for the first time Poland acknowledge collaboration with the Genocide of the Jews, note in Warsaw Ghetto up rise the Jews requested help and the some of the Polish home army deny any kind a help for the Ghetto in same way Warsaw revolted again the German rule, then the Soviet Union, they did not move into the city a month after.
But few, there was some individuals with courage, out their own risk, religious men and secular, and some case Nations, like Denmark or Bulgaria, protected the native Jewish Population, truth in some cases the Foreign Jews of the land where handed to back to the Germans.
Other nations like Vichy France when behind the call of Duty, to send the Jews to the death in the East, in recent years the Supreme Court in France held accountable French Railways for their enthusiastic involvement, some laws of these period and previous continue into today, like, there is a special tax if a Jew purchase a house or if the partner of the buyer is Jews needs to pay for this tax.
Others nations were just collaborators like in Slovakia were the head of the State an ex Roman Catholic priest Joseph Tiso (1887-1947) who created the Jews code and supported the deportations or by Ante Pavelic and Ustase Croatia who was populated with many Roman Catholic Priest and orders, created and they had their own concentrations camp, which also included support Muslin units created with support of the Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammad Amin al-Husayni (1895/1897-1974) in Bosnia Herzegovina created Hanjar Troops or SS Units in Bosnia, in return he ask Nazi Germany to eliminate the Jews Problem in Palestine, he was indicted, by Military Yugoslavia court in 1947 and escape to Lebanon and stay to his death in 1970´s. Rumania carry itself the deportation and mass killing in the period, besides of the Jewish community, 23,000 Roma were send, and 10,000 death.
Up to 1943 all the SS where Austrian, German, Roman Catholic 44 % and profession Attorneys, in the beginning of 1944 when Germany was losing the conflict indigenous SS units in France (10,000 LV French Volunteer Legion and Charlemagne SS Unit), Holland (6,000 Nederland), Belgium (Flemish: 7,000, Lagenmrack, Wallonia: 4,000, Wallonien), Luxemburg (2,000 collaborators were found guilty and many received in the 1950´s, note 81% of the 3,800 members of the Jewish community were send to the death camps), Norwegian (6,000 Nordland), Denmark (5,500 Danish Frikorps), Italy (3,000, Karsttäjer, 15,000 Italia), Spain (Blue Division losing between 22,000 to 47,000 in Stalingrad), Hungary (11,000, Horts Wessel, 8,000, Maria Theresia, 15,000, Hudyadi, 13,000, Hungarian, 11,000, Böhmen-Mähren), Croatia (Handschar, 21,500, 10% Croatian the rest Bosnia, Muslin division had Iman and Mullah for each regiment, 2,199, Kama), Albania (6,615, Schankenberg), Russia (15,000, Rona, 13,000, 1st Cossack Division), Belarus (Russiche 1, Russiche 2, 4400), Ukraine (22,000 Galisia), Latvia (20,290 Lettiche Nr 1 Division, 10,592 Lettiche Nr 2 Division), Lithuanian (10,000, Lithuanian Territorial Army, included the, Lithuania Security Police, 400) and Estonia (15,382, Estiniche Nr1), these units fought in the Russian front but also carry mass killing against population committed genocide against the Jews. In Budapest in Hungary the Iron Guard made mass killing by the Danube.
Neutral Nations like Switzerland participated by let German trains that brought Italian Prisoners and Jews through Switzerland territory in WWII. But one most of the most controversial action of the war was the US during 1940-1943 period was inform twice about Auschwitz, first though Polish Capitan Witold Pilecki (1901-1948) who volunteer to be in Auschwitz (he was executed by the new communist Poland and the USSR), his reports were send to London and second confirmation was with two prisoners Rudolf Vrba (1924-2006) and Alfred Wetzler (1918-1988) both escaping the camp given the actual confirmation, following their action British bomb Budapest which stop the next shipment of Jews to the camp. The US bomb the IG Farben Buna Facility, the camps were just 2 Km not a single or railways used for the deportation was ever touch.
From some of the brave souls who took a stand like Oskar Schindler (1908-1974), he rented the factory and his story, told by Spielberg is about story of the Krakow. Today the location is being converted into a national museum.
he deportation memorial were the Jews from Krakow end happen in Plaszow, in the Museum we ask for any transport connections to the grounds, our group did not have an idea how to get to what left of Plaszow, but following street cars lines 9 and 13 from the memorial of deportation site, the stop is the cemetery.
The Ghetto was located in other side of the Vistula river where the Jewish Quarter Kazimiers, there not much left many Synagogues, some are being use is Galleries or Artist workshop, one is Youth center, they are fourth still active.
If we are to compare to Prague, the Czech has embrace with open hands all the communities, in Poland just as denial to the Jews were even victims. The Jews quarters, today is full of Restaurants and Bar after the communist lost control, the quarter was in state of decay.
The actual place where the camp was located is just brush and they are not good directions, the house of the command Amon Göth, will be found only know in traveling guides.
Wonder thought the site, I found my self in front of the memorial of Sarah Scheider, the founder of the school for Orthodox Girls of Bais Yaakov , the memorial get clean so often due to the fact red Swastika are being painting in the memorials.
The Author in Plazow
In Krakow an extreme right Catholic group SK taken hold and the National Radio Station Marian, brining the old Anti Semitic quite alive, you will find many supporters in the way to Auschwitz. Poland and the Polish had and has complicated relationship with Jews community, before the WWII from the total population, the Jews community was 10% of the population, during the war, despite the Germany wanted to annex Poland and their plan was to colonize Poland as Imperial power and the Nazi German consider the Poles as sub-humans, the Polish help with the persecution of the Jews community during the period only now the Polish society begin to recognized their not just victims, but many collaborated not just during the occupation, but pogroms after the WWII conflict in 1946 Kielce, based on blood libel, Krakow June 27 1945, and the last pogrom against the Jewish community was in 1968, what left from the Jews community emigrated to Israel.
The people who inhabitant the area be careful, they quite hostiles to outsiders, do not try to ask for information or questions, plan the site seeing or get a guide.
In Auschwitz, I want to see what left of Monowitz, in the Nuremberg trial besides of IG Farben, Bayer was hold accountable and Fritz Ter Meer (member of the board of directors from 1926-1945) head of the sub camp were Bayer KZ Auschwitz Monowitz convicted to crimes again humanity seven years and serve 4 years, under his leadership the place bough 300 Polish women which were infected with Typhus, just of the many medical experiments conducted on inmates.
Today the place complicated, the Buna Factory was built in the actual village of Monowitz, to the side to the Buna site, there was sub camp used for the Medical Experiment, the village after war move to this location and the side after the WWII the Buna site had a total 15,000 workers today the plant only or closed to 1,500.
You can not go alone to Monowitz which is about 4 Km from the actual camp, to the side of the IG Farben who was 4 Km by 2 Km. In the camp you can get a Taxi about 10 Euros, even with a guide the locals of Monowitz the village is hostile to outsider, our own guide was nervous, so we did not get from our transport. The location has a memorial, with a cross.
No far from the IG Farben site, the houses using when the company brought German civilian to work in the Buna factory, to day is being used for social house.
The camp what left is a site which is not encourage to take photos and entering is free, each barrack was dived in 4 section and each section had 1,000 prisoners. Outside of the camp is a huge cross, there had been fights about the victims. Today each barrack has story of victims, places from Belgium, Luxembourg, France, east and west Europe, Political Prisoners, Roman and Homosexuals. Block 10 and 11 had a special place, there Joseph Mengele conducted experiment on Children and block 11 summary executions, and more important the first test of Zyclon B (Dagesh which made fertilized and subsidiary of IG Farben/Bayer) was used on 600 Soviet Prisoners.
There were 4 crematoriums, Birkenaue was bigger camp with 300 barracks, all made of wood and will house between 4,000 to 5,000 Prisoners for barracks. Birkenaue had special place, in Theresienstadt was camp show to the red cross to show illusion the Jews were treated well, most where German Intellectual and artist, all found their end in Birkenaue, the crematorium and the Gas Chambers, the prisoners send to Birkenaue were come to the death, because the killing was so massive bodies were burn on open air. Besides of the Jews being the main victims in Bikernaue the other victim was Roma.
Germans destroy the crematorium in Birkenaue, before the Soviets liberated the camp, today the rebuilding of the camp is museum and memorial is taken place, the camp is about 2 Km from Auschwitz.
In Auschwitz still one of the crematorium in place, and the just a note the parking space, the rail steel in place where the victims were brought to the camp to the camp.
The lessons from the genocide we kept forget in Rwanda where a Roman Catholic preside a Genocide ones again, Bosnia, Sudan Arabs Genocide Africans from the same religion. The Roman Catholic Church always slow to repentance, just in recent times the scandals in Ireland and Canada.
The author did not take photos in the camp, but the author suggestion to every one in this world to make pilgrims to the camp so can be understood the Human capacity to cruelty.
Slovakia take a place in this history to the fact the Jews community was send way not just by ex Roman Catholic priest, but 60,000 Jews which never return and the population enthusiastically collaborate in sending the Jews to the Auschwitz.
Today because the proximity to Vienna, and Austria never took responsibility, consider themselves as one Hitler victims, when integration of Austria to Germany, the city was happy to force the Jews to Clean the streets with though Brush, In the last 20 Years extreme right has gain influence in Austria, so you will see Neo Nazis in Bratislava with tattoos of Blood and Land.
Slovenia population today is about 2,0 Million and the province of Ljbluna when though such trauma in WWII, but to day with his next neighbor Italy, in Triest you can find the trace of the Fascist past in the main square and before with the narrow small streets, today Italy, in Lombardy where Milan is located, his mayor of the city wanted to have sits only for the citizen of the city, or the Italian Government wanted to arm citizens to defend themselves, in this case the target Roma (Gypsies) in Naples burning of the camps, in some ways this a contradiction in EU, if the Roma are citizens of EU, why the EU Human right commission is not take issue to protected one of the citizens. Regarding the Roma is not unique in Spain, in Galicia and Madrid, when the local Government try to integrate them the Neighbors attack including physical and material damage, in Spain only in Asturias the population has been more tolerant, but hardly unique to west Europe, in Hungary nationalist group try to revive the Iron Guard which participated in mass killing of Jews in WWII. Today for the new Iron Guard the victims are gypsies.
In Trivole Park in Ljublana, house the national Museum, when you enter you encounter the enemy of the Slovenia the Mussolini, the Italians destroy the camps or vestiges of the camps, and the Italians never took photos or movies, but allot drawing. The museum has pencil drawing collection of the life and atrocities of the camp. One the most disturbing photos is a mural, where Neo-Fascist and Neo.Nazi mock the atrocities committee in the memorial site in the camp.
In Italy the Metaphysical racisms expose by Evola Julius or Rational Racist theory expose by some Neo Nazi group, not to forget there Fascist Italy born in Futurist and the Squadrilla derived from the Military experience of WWII.
Today there is revival of Fascism in Italy, because in some many ways because the actions never held accountable when Silvio Berlusconi said Mussolini did not kill any one did not mention the victims of the camps in Nova Gora and Trieste or mayors of northern cities of Italy will like to revive the Squadrilla, the base of Fascist Italy.
I completed the trip with Venice, many people come to Venice to visit Lido or San Marcos, but Jews come to visit the Ghetto. The idea of using distinct cloth was not Christian idea, but introduce by Islam in Baghdad around the 7 century. Ricardo Calimani in his book The Ghetto of Venice, trace of origin, originally was place brass was being made, but origin was the Jews pay to 4 guards, two doors were made and boats patrol the canals around the Ghetto, where the Jews pay the incarcerators. The doors were close at 23:00 to the next morning not contact was suppose.
At the time of Salo Republic, 3,000 Jews were send to Auschwitz, close 500 years of exclusion, not just Roman Catholic Church began the exclusion zone, but from 1922 when Mussolini invited by Victor Emmanuelle III to take power, the Church Supported and encouraged Mussolini. In 1933 the first foreign regime to recognize the Nazi Regime was the Roman Catholic Church. The Church is responsible for the Holocaust for the 2,000 Years of Anti Semitism and more important for encourage-
The question is a Europe has lean from this experience, not just the Catholic Church in Germany the Evangelic Church were under regimen control only few individuals took stand. In some ways the WWII Genocide was global, because Islam also have his Anti-Jews attitudes, the Mufti of Jerusalem created the units, which helped the SS in the Balkans against the Jews, Serbians and Romans. The conflict of the Balkans in 1990´s resulted from the fact in the name of social cohesion; in the Yugoslavia federation did not confront their own past. In the 1980´s in Germany with the revival of extreme right was found in cities in West Berlin urgent the Turks to leave because they should know what was done to the Jews.
In the 1990´s when Holocaust Museum was open the German Chancellor took issue saying the Germany has Change, and they wanted more positive view of Germany. The Jews Museum in Berlin the try to gave more, the Jews in Germany were more then Holocaust. But the reality the only now a serious questions about the period, in 1990´s the question of ordinary Germans knew about the Holocaust was controversial in his boom he expose the story of middle age units which jobs was policy unit. Because Germany haven so slowly to recognize his own past not so early, Neo-Nazi party the National Democratic Party (NPD) had take root, especially in the old DDR, since the communist party of the time consider the Nazi past is class war. Has nothing to do with the majority.
Ursula Leguin in the Dispossess his main Character, the Physics from a month call Annares, were the dream of Anarchist Utopia and now in the world were plutocrat capitalist society , in his world, besides themselves is their common bond.
Lou Anstrong in this wonderful world, this small planet we only have ourselves, whether we are, independent of color, race, religion or sex.