Tuesday, October 03, 2017



Change Fall 2017



Natura naturans

Spinoza dictum Natura naturans (while coined in Medieval times), meaning Nature does what nature does, not divine, in other words according to their own nature rules. While the scientific method means two factors, there is a control and anyone with some skill (Training in the Arts) can reproduce the claim, on other hand, any claim dependents on the experiment, and experiment itself, dependent on instrument and observation (for closed to two thousand years human cosmology was Claudius Ptolemy model—only when the observation of Tycho Brahe and Kepler analysis, Copernicus setting a new theory  and interpretation set based with Galileo introduction of telescope as instrument open a new dimension how to view science) , and while theoretical models can give inside, dependents allot about how much uncertainty is being described. Biology is a descriptive science, but occur with so much uncertainty, not possible to reduced only to some rules, where statistical analysis is intertwined with the description, making Biology a complicated science, moreover when combined with other disciplines, chemistry and physics makes this a very complicated field.
Since, the nature of science required persistence, dedication, and perseverance, time, limited his access, while no one can own science and anyone can practice and become a practitioner, while in our political system have created privilege by setting gates to limited, in some ways, the reason of their influence, because we accepted the tradition, not tradition is not set, change, due to external, social and scientific method (mention early), change occur, even when the leader of a field lose influenced (death), open the field to a new group, since is not dominated, science is in a continuum flux, while, some principals become fundamentals, like evolution, today Genetics have verified more than ever, but Darwin evolution made prediction and verified-case of some Orchids for pollination need a long stock to access eventually found, verified the prediction.
The Scientific Method, only can be when is verified, the simplicity, but the complexity, because to verified required in uncertainty—this is the beauty of nature, nature follow his rules, we the observer, to find and described this rules is the challenge. Technology is the manifestations of the observations.
How to practice these Arts, as to let others to follow our observations, the written are recipes anyone can follow and get to the same conclusion, does not mean somethings we travel in the wrong direction—but needs verified.
One example of this beauty, Newton inside the Gravitation, affected in long distances (we conclude the force affected infinity), Einstein in his theoretical model demonstrated not what it is the relation of mass and space, but finite (everything is limited to the speed of light) and taken more than 85 years to prove of this gravitational waves, but in more deeper, how in the microscopic is behaved become a challenge, since in this level quantum rule, wave function the limitation does not applied—making the reality a challenge and interested, while we do not have a total undemanding, nature follow his rules, whether we understand—the beauty is able to find ways to get better understanding, we maybe will do not have all the understanding, but nature will continue in his rules, given any one the opportunity to get inside.

The objective is to advances—not a competition, the assigned to limited the access, not just unjust, who made the judge, the jury and executioner—any one, none, we share this third rock from the sun, who because and happen, we are, we should leave a better place, not for us, but the generations to come, science dependent on billion eyes, our eyes, we can make lives of everyone better, no one owns, we share, because in the end no one knows which eyes will open the universe, prolong live, make live better by taken away diseases or better life. Science should be access to anyone, we should share, while knowledge is being limited, what we do is we taken from ourselves the opportunity a possible answer, a clerk in India (Ramanujan) become the prince of Mathematics (taken more than 75 years to realized his significance), only because Hardy open the doors in Cambridge (at the  time there was a  Bachelor at research—today the educational program is created to limited the access, monies become the gate, in Europe the Diploma system was change to the Anglo Saxon model, which is based on monies, as the economic meltdown of 2008 not supervision, the educational model based on limited axes, become a privilege). At the same period of time a clerk in Patent office in Swiss (at least one of the 5 papers was help of his wife—even he did not acknowledge, does not take away his genius and creativity), shock the foundations, by publishing let anyone to question and verified his work. Here is the model open access, because in the end we all benefit, even false, then we can advance, open and transparent, access, the individual  measure should be based on the work.