Sunday, January 01, 2017

The Prelude to war and Totalitarianism

Arendt in OT (Origins of Totalitarianism), the first steps to a Totalitarian regime is to deny the citizen rights, the backlash against the civic Napoleon Code in 1800´s, the Restoration of by the despotic regimes of United Kingdom, the Russian Czar, Joseph from Austria take form, not only them but Papal States to return of the Jews to the Ghetto.
The first steps by Nazi Germany to turn any minority into a Stateless People on other words according to Arendt: “these persons had lost the protection of the government.” (O.T., p.279). In the same line a way to stop was to creation of a new term Displace Person to mitigate this action, given a legal status (the de-naturalization take in two levels: one natural born and nationality given by the state—the French in 1915 pass a law to deal of enemies and during WWII the US intern camps for Japanese, which US apologized and 1980´s the US court issue the state does not have the right to deprived their freedom based on Religion, Race or ethnic background, a prelude was the expulsion in 1930´s in Los Angeles towards Mexican by decent, included the born in US).  
The laws introduced in the 30´s in France restricted the naturalized citizens in professions, which during WWII, the US of America unitized against Japanese American. In Nazi Germany introduced the idea Alien Blood in losing the nationality—the implication was for the Jews, or anyone, whom, not two parents consider German could not have German Nationality. This action when Germany began the Genocide, the Jews and other not-Aryans stop of being Humans.
The masses give power to a totalitarian regime by participated in the illusion of motion around them, from external, like the Russian extended their Totalitarian view to east, through the communist party.
German National socialist view themselves as ideological state and Mussolini-whom, was appointed by the Italian Monarchy is the leader, where Hitler was the leader of his own. Goebbles difference between the National Socialism (based on race) and the Fascist (power as Rhodes view for sake of expansion (O.T., pp.136-138), where Imperialism was consider the first stage of political power of the bourgeoisie rather the last stage of Capitalism, because the opportunity the mob supported Imperial power, out their self-interest (O.T., pp.147-151), expressed by Rhodes the Workmen out this self-interest become Imperialist and the Liberal Party will follow, OT 155 the alliance between the mob Imperialism (Imperialism is expansion for the sake of expansion, independent of any value—(O.T., p.160) race was used a tool to rationalized the colonization)), while the National Socialism was based on movement transcendent a geographic region, but the base was raced, but Hitler saw an affinity between National Socialism and Communist, while the driving of the National Socialism was race, the Communist was class, Hitler saw communist the Idealist of the Socialist (Heiden p.147), Röhm in, Die Geschichte eine Hochverraters, 1933, Volksausgabe, p.273,  there is allot between the communist and us, their idealism, the sincerity of their conviction and willing of sacrifices themselves for the own cause.
Khrushchev speech before the twenty Party the only person that Stalin trusted one man Hitler (O.T, p. 310, Arennt in footnote 14, for that reason Stalin did not believe Hitler will attack, in the same speech. Is worthy to mention the Genocide committed by Stalin, Souvarine p. 669: “ According to W Krisvity as the GPU in stated of 171 Million inhabited calculated for 1937, only 145 Million were found, so 30 Million in the USSR were missing O.T., p. 310, footnote 13”).
Totalitarian regimes are possible when the masses become organize and held together by a common interest OT, P311 (The US Trump the appeal is race, which have the fundamental issue see—Parkinson R G, The Common Cause: Creating Race And Nation in the American Revolution, University of North Carolina Press, 2016). A characteristic the totalitarian movement’s use and abuse democratic freedom to abolished, (O.T., p. 312), especially the idea of equality under law. In Nazi Germany was possible because there was social stratification and Russia, because ignorance of the Peasants (O.T., p. 313).  In the case German the bourgeois was developed in romanticism given room to the strong man. In both cases the early member in Stalin were paranoid and Hitler case Armed Bohemians. Carlton Hayes, explain the in General Totalitarian movement become because the masses (O.T., p. 317, footnote 23).
The idea of control was fundamental Stalin against Trotsky perpetual revolution, Stalin respond was Trotsky, the 300 Families control (O.T., p.364), and Röhm perpetual motion, using the SS the Feudal lords base on race, there was room for revolutions.
The National Socialism race was the driving the communist elimination of classes and forcing the peasant to collectivization and expropriation of the Kulaks. The success for Stain was in two years 1936-1938 rid himself of the aristocratic elite of the party, the consequence when Hitler turn against, they had not a system to respond, due to the centralization, not saying destroy the Soviet economy.
The Fascist ideal was to create a new feudal lordship—elite in the country, where in the totalitarian system is not content to rule by external means, but through the state and machinery of violence to create an apparatus of coercion to terrorize the society.
The two totalitarian systems come to power by the mob, the National Socialism the elite come a selection from the elite, where the communist the cadre come to manipulated the mob-due their ignorance. Because, the two different traditions the Nazi was model a military model and Bolsheviks yielded power through the secret policy (O.T., p. 380). The power included when the victim did not complain even to the last moment.
The National Socialism take a peculiar paranoia using the defrauded book written by the Czar secret police Protocols Elders of Zion (O.T., p.333), to the point Hitler say anything about politics he learn from the Jews referring to the forgery (O.T., p.358 footnote41, p. 360).
The politic Hitler was referring was propaganda, to be able to subdue the population--needed a tool race. Using Pseudo-Science and propagate the same manner as the US movement of Eugenics. Race become the glue which hold together the society, and socialism given the “we” a sense of belonging (O.T., p 354, p.361).
One characteristic to qualify as the leader has become unending infallibility (O.T., pp. 348-349). The infallibility, not because intelligence, but a sense of history, therefore, the leader cannot be wrong.  Their objective is in the long run overriding any utilitarian consideration.
A peculiar event take place with the Zionist is a Nationalist, but more political stamen as national boundary and stops the aloofness of the Jews of politics (O.T., p.355). The example of the fourth nations after the collapse of Lithuanian-Polish commonwealth, the choice to the Jews from the Pale to take sites with Polish or Russia, the Naivety of the Jews choose and part because suffer the everyday Polish Anti-Semitism or intuitional Anti-Semitism by Russia, the Naivety misunderstanding the Russia policy from Katherine inherent the Pale after Sweden, Katherine wanted every subject to become Russia, not just languages, but culture-Russification meaning not minorities or ethnics or religions exist outside besides of Russia.
The semantics of the two groups was the German is identity and communist as call International Russification, for the Germans mean not Jewish ancestry in the case of the SS to 1750 (O.T., p. 356, footnote 35). For the Bolsheviks not class.
Hitler divided the masses in a structure form sympathizers and member, where member are the selection limiting them. The SS represent the new Feudal Order and model based on the old Teutonic Order in Latvia and Lithuanian in Medieval Europe.  The objective of the Totalitarian regime is to achieve of none-normalization using coercion, to dominate the society.
The elitism was achieved to model this new structure as secret societies (O.T., p.376, footnote same page 90; Goodrick-Clarke N, The Occult Roots of Nazism, 2012, Tauris Parke Paperbacks).
The Nazis wanted to conquer the world deport the racially Alien and exterminated those inferior biological heritage (if you had heart condition was included—similar proposal of the Republican Party, in abolishing the insurance reform introduced by Obama—in one word, if you are not fit you are death,, the same idea by the Republican party extended to the Privatization of the Veterans Administration, Medicare, and despite the Social Security, the government set aside monies for later days, the Republicans have question why the elderly should have access as recent comment made by Fox News—the expert who made comment was fires after outrage).
For the soviets the enemies were 300 Families who supported the Trotsky’s or the cosmopolitans (the same enemy created by Trump) (O.T., p.378). Totalitarianism domination is possible, because lack spontaneous and individuality (O.T., p.405) and the security forces are used to accomplished, by isolation of the individual. For Hitler was the Aryan world Empire for the Bolsheviks was secular russification.
A totalitarian leader achieve by insulting to the person receiving the insult, in the end become the enemy become easy to achieve Genocide (O.T., p.424—Trump as example). The policy objective is not to discover a crime but to maintain the coercion (O.T., p.426). The instrument of coercion is being achieved by independents, in case of the SS and NKVD was slave work- property (O.T., p. 478).

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