Saturday, December 31, 2016

Monday, December 05, 2016

Racism, Antisemitism, Pan, Fascism and Imperialism

Arendt, view of the  industrial antisemitism was reaction in many levels the first Napoleon to dislodge the influence of the Catholic Church, especially the Catholic Church created a unusual status the Jews, the Christian religion saw the not just derived but ownership to a truth, the transformation of believe to a political tool, sending and controlling the Jews to the fringe, the Theodosius code in 400´s C.E. relegated the Jews to the status of  adulteress (not an accident of identified the Jews with Yellow, the color used to identified prostitutes and adulterers), the restoration the push by Aristocrats and the Absolutes Monarchies took away the right of man, meaning civil right, Napoleon give citizenship is not a privilege, but the right given by geography birth and  naturalization, not privilege gave by Aristocrats, Monarchy or Imperial decree and since the existence of the Christian as Religion is based on this  privilege.
According to Arendt antisemitism was not just a question of privilege but a utilitarian based, when the usefulness was lost then become a competition for limited resources. When a National economy, based on Production or consumption limited is found then expansion weather is mercantile, colonization or simple used force, the Jews because the fate was based limited to individual the Authority of Aristocrat or Monarch since in the fringe the only work could provide was commerce or under licenses like Medical Doctors or Attorneys, Universities in general (even today) Nepotism closed access to other alternatives.
Hobbes, in Leviathan becomes the bourgeoisie philosopher, where the state is not based on law weather was divine, nature or social contract for him the private interest is the same is the public. Form him the individual not sense of solidarity or the greater good is individual selfishness is the drive for the society. Anything outside, then there is not obligation or sympathy. The consequences was racism  become the main weapon of Imperialism, and the nature of Imperialism like racism goes across national boundaries, only to be identified by specific the uniqueness, the secular identity is destroy.
Two types of Imperial forces appear the sea based and land based, the first because there is was a distance between the colony and the home land was easy to defined the other the British Empire was based, but the Russian Empire was land force a russification, then in Easter Europe take place in form of Ethnic Groups.
The russification defined a new movement based on ethnic lines, based on languages as identification of the ethnic group. In 1814 was called blood relationship (Joseph Goerres in Rheinischer Merkur, 1814 No 25) a tribal unity.   The romantic movement of the 18 Century to an ideal state in nature open a tendency of leaders as patriarchal or matriarchal structures, where individual submitted themselves to their own madness—Arendt (The origin Totalitarianism p.168), unlimited idolization of personality—the cult of individual is the hope, the believe of new religion .
Moreover, the inherent relativism in the romanticism made easy to create the other—in many case the Jew. The Pan Movement common trend in Pan-Slavic and Pan-Germanic was the Jew. Gobineau in 1853 in his Essay: Essai sur l´lnegalite des Races Humanes, theorize the reason for the decadence of any civilization, due to mingle between the races. Gobineau delusion he was a direct decedent of the Odin, using Darwin survival as biological argument created industrialist racism, where mass groups.
Gobineau proposed an Aryan Prices as the new elite, their purpose to the defended the blood. Arendt view (O.T., pp.175-176), the seeds of German Race Thinking take place in the Napoleonic Wars, and the creation of the Englishmen at the same time, where England due to the culture homogeneity and Aristocrat class in control the Englishmen/Racism was based on a national identity—a second factor the upper classes were assimilated in the gentry due to the wealth, since British Empire was based on Mercantile.
The Darwinism justify only the best will succeed--fittest, and therefore their reward was to belong. The British Racism take shape in Bureaucracy running an empire—(history of South Africa with Dutch colonizers, were they become Native by transforming themselves into  a tribe, and behaving as such, they themselves become the idealize symbol of race (Arendt O.T. pp 185-197) when they were pressure the move, like any tribe will due under the same circumstances.
Rhodes (p.200) a natural Imperialism believes in ideal expansion for the sake of expansion, introduced racism as natural tool or Imperialism—for Rhodes and other white, many Jews come to South Africa as financiers as part a nation Economic, but for Rhodes and other White British was not room, since the Economy was base expansion, and the Jews limitation there was usefulness following the Darwin logic, then they were less fit, become the lesser race. For the Jews who become part society as industrial producers and support rule as attorneys and Medical Doctors, become a treat, since the South Africa economy was based on Commodity (Gold and Diamantes), expulsion was proclaim. South Africa was the pinnacle of what a society race was to be. Rhodes culminated his ideal with Rhodes Scholarship Association funding Nordic race students to Oxford (p. 215 and the same page footnote 50).
The ideal of Rhodes take form by Lawrence, believer of the great game and Lawrence become the functionary as historical figure push by the stream to make history and being history.
The Pan are not just ideologies or politics, while the patriotism was base in loyalty to the race, in reality the Pan are movements, while the British racism come from the imperial aspiration the Pan-Germanic and Pan-Slavic come from Land Empires to justify the land capture based on ethnic and Racism. The differences the Germanic was based on Race exclusive and Slavic (Russia), was Imperial oppression to languages and the ethnic identity.
The foundation of Pan-Germanic take place in Austria-Hungary, were different ethnic groups only can take covert and comfort in their ethnic identity. The antisemitism in Austria take very violence, because their saw by all the groups closed to the oppressor (German Speaking) and part of the machinery of oppression.
Arendt define nationalism is a perversion of the state as an expression to identified the citizens as member of the state (O.T. p. 231). In the same take for Arendt Racism is denying common origin of man (O.T. p.234). The combination the Pan become messianic to the particular group a new race religion is born. Austria and Russia saw in advantage by using as culture weapon, in Russia the policy of Russification. In the case of Austria the Pan was treason, because the objective was nor the Empire but the race.
Pan-Germanic can be attributed to Georg von Schroenerer, in his view to enlarged tribal conscious only can be achieve by a glue in this case the hate of the Jews—the Linz Program in 1885 added the not Jews (O.T. pp 238-239 and foot note 84), the reason pp 240 a nation without a sate and without visible institutions (see foot note 87, same page), but the fundamental clash as previously with Islam and Christianity the choosiness, which was the mantel of the Pan. The differences for the Jews was Human redemption and the Pan was the single—their race.
The Russian take in the form of the Forgery by Russia Secret Policy upon the suggestion of Pobyedonostev adviser of Nicholas II, the hate toward the Jews was move the Jews choose themselves not God, therefore the ethnic group need to avenge such blasphemy.(O.T. 242).
The French antisemitism had an unusual characteristic which took hold with National Socialism the Pseudo-Mysticism, based a Catholic Church own mysticism. The Pan-Slavic hate was not just extended to the west, but included the materialistic west; the irrationality and Mysticism in Orthodox Church gave an emotional hold (O.T. page 246 foot note 65). Pobyedonostev describe power is only for the love the God (O.T. p.48, foot note 70) and the love the God was only the Czar. This Slavic identification is describe by Dostoyevsky Crime Punishment Raskolnikov confession, to the Czar and then to God.   
Traditionally the conservatives’ parties were created to defend the interest of the landed property, but they need a rational the God created the man to till the soil, in the Jews without nation, they have not soil, while the trans Pan ended National socialism and Soviet Russia. The national Racism base on tribalism was developed in France, with Frenchmen, and Fascism. Fascism the single party as the movement as described to include an economic program.
Leon XII saw the Industrialization dislocated the peasants and come to the city the capitalist owning the means production in conflict with producers, since Marx point and denoted a program, Leon XII a third way, described by Mussolini: The corporate state is to correct and neutralizing a condition brought by industrial revolution of the 19th century which dissociate capital and labour industry, given rise on the one hand to a capitalist class employer, the industrial a juxtaposition. The program was the economic hearth carry by Franco and especially in Portugal the dictatorship of Salazar. In Europe Germany as example by having the workers, Managers and shareholders, of course the difficulty the one who owns the capital owns everything, in some ways this is Program described by Trumps in spirit, of Economic Nationalism, where the owner class control everything.

The Pan movement saw the Bureaucracies as vehicles for organization, in National Socialism in Germany and eventually the secular Empire of the Soviet Russia.


Hannover Holocaust Memorial

Hannah Arendt