Sunday, April 29, 2007

Human evolution is full of crises, since the time we have a historical memory, the human experience can be reduce a series of conflicts. We need to ask ourselves, if all this was or is necessary, after all the consequence so far is Genocide towards of each other and how we have got towards this point. The art express in Ice Age, about human experience, but with time the creation of God and State, become justification for a few to be owners, through God and State.
Despite of revolutions and changes where the power of the few and religion, we still dealing fundamentally with the same issue. The power of the few and religion.
Sciences have give us an opportunity for humans to be skeptics, but the threat to question, as result today religious leaders question Evolution. The religious appealing to the validity of their reasoning from ideal of Platonism and deduction of from first principles drawing from Aristotle's.
Science value is from Empirical reasoning, meaning expert or amateurs can validate the work of the assumptions. Many critics of Evolution question the observations or descriptive sciences. Despite Darwin was careful and the mechanism of evolution, genetics even with Mendel work critics will still question Evolution, but what have change is Molecular Evolution, DNA, now the Molecular Evolution has connect the Human History to Earth. Many still question of aspect of Evolution are missing link, but now with the Molecular the connections show with out particular specie to be missing link.
The power of Molecular Evolution is drawing from Empirical reasoning, where experiment can be reproduce, and there is not question of believe.
Power of the God and State is base idea there is a set human nature, in the case of God and State is order of the God. What Sciences show is there is not absolute and experiments and new refine experiments give new inside, but the inside are not absolute, justdepend and experiment knowledge of the time, but does not mean the knowledge has not validity just a limitation, and the technology we have produce has been produce with this limitations.
But always the validity is the Empirical reason, the experiment and able to reproduce the experiment.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Question of Evolution
They are times and they are times. Now, we are in the time, where religion authoritarian believes are taken hold to replace a political social conflict.
The history of Art had a evolution and full circle. Early humanity paint had to do with the immediate experience, like the case of the Altamira Caves in Spain, later on to evolve only as a sacred experience. The art about the Gods appropriate by Christianity (other Believes) took into a new form, where the Socrates Republic with Augustine City of God transform the Power of Roman Emperor into Power of right to govern derive from God.
Not just reformation, but Art change prospect, where the Gods return to human form slowly return to human sizes.
With that perspective other human challenge, in the immediate was political.
Copernicus and Galileo and eventually Kepler challenge in Authoritarian power of the Church into human experience.
The Baroque and the Renaissance, began the humanization. Spinoza try to connect the emotional aspect of believe to rational experience of the every day, with time the Scientific Method come the golden rule, to empirical experience.
Darwin natural selection base on observation, and Darwin theory (Law) validation through empirical description, many Darwin following or Neo-Darwin for many them, the sufficient power of empirical description.
Critics like the Biochemist Michael J. Behe, who testify in favour "Intelligent Design", criticize the Darwin, because the disconnect of missing likings to have continue history.
Behe misunderstanding of evolution is, the mechanism for the selection is the DNA. The blue print had challenge everything, not only we are human sizes, but
humans in the natural word.
DNA is not just we are 3% different Chimps, or 2% Bonobo or our close relative to organs is the pig. But humans have the same blue print.
The good news is we had assumed the DNA history can be trace to one million, but with work done Mary Schweitzer, a paleontologist at North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, which show the connection of T-Rex with the birds, the significant we are connected the DNA of species who had verify time line in Millions with a today specie.
Where today many religious figures are challenging evolution, but DNA is not just a history, but impact our every day, since direction medicine affected our very day is molecular medicine which bases on DNA.