Sunday, December 03, 2017




A question of Science

Science is a complicated process of understanding in some many levels—they are two basic questions needs to be answer. The first is a control and second can the prediction can be replicated. There is a misunderstanding—a mythology, the idea between hard science and soft science, where each disciplined required different levels of understanding and required different set of skills.
While, a model—predictions need to consider only what replications say, will be very disingenuous to force a replication, to fit a model, and the skills—understanding are different. There is no such thing one body of knowledge is better than other, each level of understanding given a better perception of our surrounding.
Mathematics dependent on the logic able to maintain an internal consistence—if not a misunderstanding, on the other hand, other understanding—epistemology dependents ideal of a simplicity or universal understanding others really dependents, because the complexity where the question, then complex understanding required.
How a body of knowledge is created, how the knowledge become its own identity. Many factors, one when a questions needs to be dedicated their own set of understanding, when the question born from other analysis, cannot be answer by previous knowledge, and required a dedicated own knowledge, a new body of knowledge is born.
While we used mathematics, not be consider just a tool, where mathematics has to answer their own questions independent how is being used, the user of the tool need consider just a tool for his own purposed. Each epistemology comes from his own set of question and answering their own, while maybe be related to others, there is complexity, maybe lost when a single view is being consider.
Many will consider there one body of knowledge is better than others, which miss the point, when we consider a body of knowledge, cannot be compare, because the question is different, so the issue every body of knowledge become their complexity. One example shows this complexity our evolution of our brains, which dependent in a localized plasticity.
The plasticity dependent on actual physical limitation, but to overcome the space a solution, a hardware solution, evolution, the synapses 3 trillion of them changes, while the keep a reference point—memory, smell, vision cue or other technique, the plasticity able to connected to correlated new patterns, what we are, our strength and our weakness, evolution give such elegant solution, simple and complex, making an amazing, how life with his own limitation—created a solution, dependent on the context  of the process where the question is born and encounter.
There is no such thing one is better than other, all dependent what is the question—understanding, not to say there is no such thing right or wrong, not unique to any group or believer group, never do to others, what do not want to you, the question of fairness, power—how someone defined ownership, who owns the law, how the law set to favor one group towards others. How property is defined, who benefit, what is individual committeemen towards the collective—what the collective committeemen to the individual, what are the relationship.
Science is not a detached endeavor, is part of collective experience, we can share, dream and make live better for all of us, no man is Island, we all shared a common experience,  not just our specie, but we trivet in this evolution, because evolution, the environment was conducive for us to trivet, we have an obligation to all of us—ourselves to environment who made life for us possible a better placed, this experienced what make us human experience, growth all of us, an injury to one, as injury to all of us, we do not won this world, whether we exist or not the world—with his evolution will continue, what we are what we make for everyone, and our environment.
We are in cross roads, the drought in Syria force population to move, forcing a social moment, but because US involvement in Iraq, the conflict spilled in Syria, and this forced an emigration which was taken place from Africa, because the corruption, inequality in Africa move to Europe for a better life, bringing their individual problems, and with crises in Syria,  the xenophobic groups, encourage and supported by Russia, applying 19 century Russian Imperialism of Russification, now we are ended 2017 with a delusion this problems will resolved, in case Syria and Iraq carved  minorities living side by side, having different believes, language, traditions and historical grievances are not going away nothing have change, the long this grievances—differences are confront and resolved.
The should be an independent Kurdish state independent what Turkey say—Russia or other nations, sometimes individuals need to be separated to find their identity and able to deal with the world around, not as nationalism, but recognition of individual, while nationalism is based on some historical, ethnic, cultural—believe, individual recognized in the human-experience.